
Different Examples of Help You May Not Realize You Are Doing

Our family and friends are important to us. We do what we can to show we care. It is a person’s innate desire to help provide solutions for those they care about. Unfortunately, we do not have all the right answers all the time. There are situation...

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Signs Your Loved One Should Get Respite Care

It is a big decision to transition from aggressive health care treatment to respite care. However, several signs may be key indications that you should opt for respite care to ensure your loved one’s care instead. Some of these signs include: Recur...

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What You Can Expect Of a Palliative Care

Seeing our beloved suffer from a serious condition is true heartbreak. We want to be strong for them. We want them to count on us. But we are just humans and we also feel pain and fear. A serious complication can be painful and difficult to manage, b...

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Why Spiritual Counselling During Hospice Is a Must

One of the most important areas that must be addressed when someone in the family is receiving end-of-life care is spiritual needs. Like respite care, this does not only benefit your loved one who is receiving hospice care, but it also benefits the w...

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The Four Areas of Hospice Care

Hospice care is provided for terminally ill people who have given up on seeking treatment. It aims to provide care and comfort until their final days. The care services focus on four areas—physical comfort, mental and emotional needs, spiritual iss...

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The Ideal Hospice Team

Most of us are struggling to juggle our time between our family and other responsibilities. This is one of the reasons that can make taking care of a terminally ill loved one challenging. Moreover, our sick loved one’s health condition would requir...

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nurse talking to old couple